تفاصيل البرنامج
نوع البرنامج التدريبى
اسم البرنامج التدريبى
رقم البرنامج التدريبى
عدد الأيام
عدد ساعات البرنامج
تاريخ بدء البرنامج 10 أغسطس 2025
مكان الانعقاد القاهره - مصر
26 ش.عدن - المهندسين
مستوى البرنامج
لغة البرنامج
مزايا المشاركة
  • الإستقبال والمغادره من وإلى المطار ( للمشاركين من خارج مصر )
  • وجبه خفيفه مع المشروبات الساخنه والبارده يوميا
  • تقييم نهائى
  • تقييم عام للبرنامج التدريبي
  • تقييم يومى للمشاركين
  • الحصول على شهادة معتمدة من أكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب - القاهرة
  • الحصول على شهادة معتمدة من هارفارد الدولية .
  • الحصول على المادة العلمية (Soft copy)
وصف البرنامج

This is an executive program exploring the world of management consulting. The program is designed to facilitate a framework for providing management counsel to clients, institutions in the public and private sector. Candidates will incorporate the informational fabric from the core curriculum and become open to examples of comprehension in their technical expertise and experience in global consulting roles to organizations. The modules are created to show candidates the key topics of the profession and to discussed, analyzed and understood. Candidates will also be expected to work break out groups and teams to present consulting services to actual clients and prepare solutions to case studies.

تفاصيل البرنامج

In this five module Senior Executive Development Program - which represents a Mini MBA and Management Consultant Certification  - you will be taught by one of the Academy's certified Experts
This curriculum has been developed by a group of MBA lecturers, legal and finance professionals, senior executives and the American Academy of Project Management (AAPM) and will show you how to get the most out of your career development. It will demonstrate how to effectively manage change in your organization and develop skills to ensure you rise to or stay at the top of your profession.
The first 2 modules of this intensive program examines Finance for Non Financial Managers, and you will learn techniques for understanding the triggers and mechanisms for profitability within your business as well as learning the strategy and tactics of today’s leading CFO’s and financial professionals. In the following two modules, you will study the art of Change Management, Cost Control and IT Management for Non-Technical executives. Finally, you will learn the components and mechanisms for core business development and strategic planning including Marketing Strategy, Leadership and Strategic and Change Management. You will learn to drive business results and measure the performance of your business units and team.
This intensive and wholly practical training program has never been available before for US delegates to take in this region. It is widely acclaimed and fully certified.
All course fees include certification from the Academy.
International Executive Professional Development Program
International Certification Program
Module 1
Finance For Non-Financial Executives (Master Financial Professional)
Get a crash course in MBA Finance techniques, designed especially for Non-Finance executives. This course will focus on the basic finance survival course within a global enterprise. Designed by CFOs and leading Finance Professors, this course covers the basics of the financial reporting and operational aspects of a listed company.
1. Analysis of financial statements
2. Shareholder wealth maximization
3. Applied corporate finance
4. Strategic management and the financial planning process
5. Introduction to the “Stock Exchange”
6. Cash flow – the lifeblood of business
Module 2
Cost Control And Effective Financial Management
The Manager's role in operational cost control and financial administration, is perhaps the most critical and visible of all requirements in an organization. All executives have the issues of budget and operational spend but many also have the task of controlling cost behavior and cost allocation. A company can live and die by its ability to control, use and manipulate cash flow and this can be the life-blood of a manager’s ability to achieve sustainable profitability.
7. The changing business environment
8. Cost control and cost management
9. Budgeting
10. The Balanced Scorecard and performance management
11. Effecting change for cost efficiency
Module 3
A glimpse into the world of International Business Strategy. This is not a high-level theoretical course component. This is a journey into the reality of conducting business on the global stage. As the business boundaries continue to dissolve globally with the impact of localization, the Internet and greater market accessibility, the future of your capability as an executive will rely heavily on your ability to understand and collaborate with International clients, partners and suppliers.
International Business Strategy
12. Economics of localization
13. Understanding cultural differences and their influence on the enterprise
14. Market entry, political reality and competitive structures
15. Alliances – structure and management
16. Organization, operations and structural control Issues
17. Global strategies
Module 4
Recently a Harvard MBA Professor said that IT and “Technology is not a competitive advantage, it is a fact of business life”. So why gain a basic understanding of current leading IT technologies, such as the Internet and XML, and their impact on your business? For the same reason you need to know how to use the telephone. You can’t do business without it.
IT Management For Non-Technical Executives
18. Using information technology for competitive advantage
19. Understanding the Internet's power to alter channel strategies
20. Gaining a broader understanding of IT in the context of the company,
industry and world
21. Building IT-based information age companies
22. Emerging technologies and trends
Module 5
Marketing is a mechanism for developing and growing your business, but if done incorrectly can be an expensive and misunderstood component of your operations. This course component on Marketing Strategy will give executives an understanding of core marketing requirements within business and the ability to measure marketing efficiency.
Marketing Strategy And ROMI
23. Developing fast to-market technology for competitive advantage
24. Exploring the economics of customer loyalty and total customer satisfaction
25. Putting a customer-focused, service profit chain to work
26. Formulating an action-oriented marketing plan
27. Return on Marketing Investment (ROM)
Module 6
Leadership – it is the single quality that all very successful individuals have. It is what you need to lead an organization to success. Strategic Leadership and Change Management introduce techniques for developing strong leadership skills and an organization that follows.
Leadership And Change Management
28. Understanding the difference between leadership and management roles
and responsibilities
29. Exploring the critical role of leadership in the change process
30. Examining leadership patterns for successful transformation initiatives
31. Developing negotiation skills
Strategic Management And Leadership
1. Understanding the relationships dynamic
2. Developing organisational capability for a knowledge-based, service-intensive business
3. Integrating the various functions into a coordinated action plan and
4. Designing processes to efficiently move the organization forward


• Senior Managers, Senior Marketing, Finance, Technology and Strategy Executives operating in the Middle East and Pan Asia region

• Business Principals and Managers who need a practical and up-to-date knowledge of MBA Strategy and Techniques for ROI and growth
• Managers of Change and influences of decision making at the highest level of the corporation

الاهداف العامة
الاهداف التفصيلية

Benefits of Attending
Those who complete this professional development program will learn cutting edge strategies in analysis and implementation of solutions for clients worldwide.
AAPM ® American Academy of Project Management ®
AMC Accredited Management Consultant ® Designation Curriculum
EXEC-Certification ™ Business Analyst Management Consultant Program
The Mini-Management Consultant Program for Busy Executives
Upon Completion Of This Intensive Program, You Will Have:
• Attended a highly-compressed MBA-type program developed by leading MBA professors globally from the world’s leading business schools
• The right to use the post-nominal MMC Master Management Consultant  ® on their business card or biography
• Status as a Fellow of the American Academy of Financial Management (FAAPM) and two-year membership in the professional association
• Certificate of Completion by from an Registered Program and advanced placement into secondary certification programs.
• A thorough grounding in Advanced Business Strategy principles, metrics and tools
• Familiarity with strategies and case studies that show leadership techniques for today’s toughest industries and sectors
• Knowledge of how to prepare and execute a Strategic Business Plan

جهة اعتماد الشهادات
البرامج المتعلقة