Prospect & Play Analysis
Geological well correlations.Quick look interpretation using well logs.Complete well log analysis.How to estimate oil reserve?Calculation of recoverable hydrocarbons.Lead, prospect and play evaluations.How to assess Risk (Uncertainty)?Introduction to Geology.Origin of petroleum.Petroleum System – Elements & Processes.Source rocks & its types.Seal.Trapping geometries.Kerogen types.Introduction to Geophysics.Geophysical exploration methods.Seismic methods.Classification of Seismic Waves.Seismic data interpretation.Depositional systems.Primary structures.Siliciclastic reservoirs.Carbonate reservoirs.Basin formation & types.Well correlations.Stress & Strain.Theory of plate tectonics.Geology from wireline logs (Quantitative Interpretation)Risking & Ranking in prospect evaluation:Basic concepts.Evaluation Process.Define play concept.Application of volumetric assessment.Hydrocarbon charge assessment.Risk analysis & economic studies.
Geologists, Geophysicists and Petrophysicists. Engineers, Managers and Supervisors
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
How to solve technical problems?How to identify petroleum system elements?How to interpret seismic data?Identifying different depositional systems
العملاء الذين اشتركوا فى هذه البرنامج اشتركوا أيضا فى البرامج الاتية :
Seismic Data Interpretation
Structure Geology
ادخل رقم الشهادة
اشترك معانا ليصلك كل الجديد من البرامج و العروض المخفضة