تفاصيل البرنامج
نوع البرنامج التدريبى
اسم البرنامج التدريبى
رقم البرنامج التدريبى
عدد الأيام
عدد ساعات البرنامج
تاريخ بدء البرنامج 3 ديسمبر 2023
مكان الانعقاد القاهره - مصر
المهندسين - 26 ش عدن من ش شهاب
مستوى البرنامج
لغة البرنامج
مزايا المشاركة
  • تقييم نهائى
  • تقييم يومى للمشاركين
  • الحصول على شهادة معتمدة من أكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب - القاهرة
  • الحصول على المادة العلمية (Soft copy)
وصف البرنامج

Seismic attribute is the only way that can enable interpreter to understand seismic data very well and generate new view for his model, but there are hundreds of seismic attributes and there are many classes that make interpreters afraid of using new thing so in this course explain both theoretical and application for each one and try to generate workflow to help interpretation for different geological environment. 

In this course, we will gain an intuitive understanding of the kinds of seismic features that can be identified by 3-D seismic attributes, the sensitivity of seismic attributes to seismic acquisition and processing, and of how ‘independent’ seismic attributes can are coupled through geology. We will also discuss alternative workflows using seismic attributes for reservoir characterization as implemented by modern commercial software and practiced by interpretation service companies. Participants are invited to bring case studies from their workplace that demonstrates either the success or failure ofseismic attributes to stimulate class discussion. 

تفاصيل البرنامج

Who Should Attend?

Exploration and Production Managers, Geoscientists, Geologists, and Reservoir Engineers Professionals involved in seismic interpretation or dealing with results of the interpretation of seismic data

الاهداف العامة

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course delegates will learn about:

•To acquire skills in interpretation of 3-D seismic attributes  data 

•To enhance theoretical knowledge of seismic  attributes

•Quantative and qualitative seismic attributes applications 

•Connect seismic attributes to Petrophysics and geological interpretations 

الاهداف التفصيلية


• Introduction 

• Post stack attributes, reflective attributes and transmissive attributes 

• Impact of data quality on seismic attributes 

• Methods for preconditioning of seismic data 

• Color display and 3D visualization 

• Spectral decomposition and thin bed tuning 

• Complex trace attributes 

• Horizon and formation attributes 

• Geometric attributes 

• Attribute expression of structure and stratigraphy 

• Multiattribute analysis tools RGB, opacity , statistics, neural network(supervisor , unsupervised) 

• Seismic attributes workflows for different application. 

• 3-D texture analysis and computer-aided object detection 

• Geobodies extraction and fault interpretation using seismic attributes 

• Cross plot attributes.

• Calibrations seismic attributes 

• Seismic Inversion concepts. 

• Colored inversion, high frequency inversion, relative acoustic impedances. 

• AVO theory and pre-stack attributes 

• Work shop Application for generate seismic attributes workflow fault interpretations 

• Work shop application seismic attributes in stratigraphic interpretations. 

• Work shop application data condition and enhance seismic attributes results. 

• Work shop application inversion application. 

• Examples or new creative workflow generations. 

• Fractured reservoir characterization with attributes. 

جهة اعتماد الشهادات
البرامج المتعلقة